Voices Stories from the Generation community. [Employer’s Story] Empowering the Future: Innovative Solutions for Tech Talent Shortages [Learner’s Story] Bootcamp Training to Achieve Transformation and Unleash Potential to Soar [Learner’s Story] Leveling Up: From eSports Player to Data Analyst (1st Time Job Seekers) [Learner’s Story] Grades Are Not The Only Requirement For Entering The Workforce [Learner’s Story] Becoming a ‘Guardians of the Silver Age’ in the City: Providing More Satisfying Elderly Care Services with Empathy (Chinese only) [Learner’s Story] Hidden youth? A journey of self-discovery [Learner’s Story] Navigating through the storm with care and compassion [Learner’s Story] Breaking Barriers: Overcoming workplace discrimination, autistic graduate finds success and passion in coding [Learner’s Story] Setbacks in the Film and Television Career: Pursuing Further Education to Improve Oneself