Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting Generation’s learners. As part of our volunteer community, we seek to leverage your strengths and grow together while giving back meaningfully. We go further, together.

Enterprise Advisors
Based on recent findings from a school survey on career and life development, educational institutions recognize the importance of business engagement in enhancing and enriching young people’s career paths and overall life development.
The Enterprise Advisors (EAs) are the cornerstones of the CLAP@JC Hong Kong Benchmarks (HKBM) program for Career and Life Development (CLD). EAs are a dedicated group of voluntary business professionals who share a passion for supporting youth. They collaborate closely with secondary schools to contribute to the advancement of career and life education, making a positive impact on our future talent pool.
EAs collaborate closely with secondary schools on a 1:1 basis, leveraging their business experience and professional networks to enhance the schools’ CLD strategy and enrich the youth’s CLD journey. Their key responsibilities include:
- Supporting the development of the school’s strategic plan to ensure meaningful employer encounters and workplace experiences for every student.
- Providing access to local business networks and encouraging greater business involvement to support the CLD curriculum.
- Collaborating with matched schools to design employer engagement activities tailored to the needs of students, teachers, and parents.
Our Enterprise Advisors
Become an Enterprise Advisor for Cohort 3 (Sep 2023 – Aug 2025) if you:
- are senior-level leaders or managers from various industry sectors and backgrounds (whether employed, self-employed, or recently retired).
- have a willingness to contribute to youth development, career and life provision, and are enthusiastic about making a positive impact on students, teachers, and parents.
- possess strong personal networks and a solid understanding of the business world and labor market, and are willing to share connections and knowledge with schools.
- can commit approximately 3 hours per quarter to support the school’s career and life development journey over 2 academic years
Sign Up to be an Enterprise Advisor
Other Volunteer Opportunities
1) Mock Interviewers
The mock interview sessions are sessions throughout our bootcamp programs which aim to strengthen the interview skills of our learners and be better prepared for the actual job interview upon graduation. In particular, we are always looking for volunteers with related industry (junior data engineer, front-end web developer and digital marketing) hiring backgrounds as mock interviewers, to help learners build confidence and improve their technique.
During a 2-4 hour in-person or online session, volunteers will meet a range of Generation learners and will play the role of a hiring manager to interview our learners and provide feedback for them.
- Prior to the mock interview day: Generation team will email the mock interviewer the learner’s CV, job ad, score sheet, run-down for preparation.
- On the mock interview day: each mock interviewer will interview at least 3-4 learners each; and the interview with 1 learner will last for about 30-40 mins, followed by a 10-15 mins feedback on the spot. More feedback can be shared through the score sheet/feedback form.
- After the mock interview session: Mock interviewers need to complete a one-pager score sheet/feedback form (e-version) for our learner within 24-48 hours and send it to Generation team for record. The score sheet will be shared with our learners and their mentors for striking improvement.
2) Adhoc Roles
Share with us what skillsets you have – Marketing, Admin, Copywriting, Photography, Operational Improvement, Finance, Legal etc. We would love to find a way to leverage your strengths for us to make an impact together in a project.
“In the mock interviews, I was most impressed by the students’ earnest attitude, unwavering service commitment, and deep industry knowledge. I’m grateful to Generation for this opportunity to contribute. Seeing their excellent performance, I’m confident they will become a great force in the industry.”
“Through the mock interviews, I deeply felt the differences between these students and other job seekers. They were well-prepared, clear about their future career direction, and exuded an abundance of confidence. I believe these students will undoubtedly stand out in the future workplace.”
“Through the realistic scenarios of the mock interviews, learners can learn how to handle various interview questions, articulate themselves calmly, and improve their on-the-spot response capabilities. After two rounds of mock interviews, I observed that the participants became much more self-assured, which is tremendously beneficial for their future job search endeavors.”
Wong Wai Shun
Learner Testimonials
“I’m very grateful that the program included mock interview practice sessions. These gave me the opportunity to get well-prepared for real job interviews, as I was able to apply the interview skills I had learned. More importantly, the mock interviews helped me start thinking from the employer’s perspective. By taking turns playing the role of the interviewer, I gained valuable insight into what qualities and attributes employers are looking for.”
“The mock interview not only helped me identify potential issues I might face in actual interviews, but also allowed me to make improvements. Repeated practice has enabled me to better adapt to the nervousness of interviews, preparing me well for future real job interviews. Furthermore, the interviewer’s feedback has led me to re-evaluate my career development direction, which has been tremendously beneficial.”
Sign Up to be a #GenHKvolunteer
We would love to connect with you on how we can work together.