[Learner’s Story] Sam | Manual Quality Assurance Testing Programme

Sam Tang, an autistic high school graduate, once found himself siloed within the rigid confines of accounting. He has come to exemplify the merit of perseverance, in the face of great challenges, to discover true passion. Sam knew that he was capable, but workplace discrimination based on his autism made his position especially hard. He believed that his autism acted as a barrier to forging deep relationships, which fueled his restless search for professional fulfillment. The chance discovery of an online course on Python is what ignited a spark within Sam. The allure of coding and the language of infinite possibilities captivated him. This newfound enthusiasm coupled with a zeal to redefine himself is what led him to Generation Hong Kong’s Manual Quality Assurance Testing Program, where he could acquire new skills that would help him on his quest. Recognizing Sam’s potential and dedication, ImBrace, a successful tech firm, took him on as a quality assurance tester. Transitioning posed challenges and meant overcoming new hurdles, but Sam’s remarkable drive helped him succeed. His proactive efforts at collaboration with international teams in markets like Taiwan spoke volumes about his commitment, and within just six months, Sam was able to scale the corporate ladder, earning the role of junior developer. This tale is not about professional achievement or ascension. It is one that serves as a testament to the fact that with grit, determination, and the relentless pursuit of passion.
“The unique strength and character of Sam and other neurodivergent youth are actually putting them in advantage for the position of quality assurance tester. As long as we are willing to take a closer look and have more patience, their talent and capability are quite obvious.”
If you are interested in applying for the program, feel free to click on the URL to learn more.